Terms & Conditions and Before/After Care

Before Care:

What should I do before my appointment?

Leading up to an appointment, you should:

  • Avoid plucking or waxing your brows less than 72 hours prior to appointment

  • Avoid caffeinated drinks the morning of your appointment

  • Avoid exfoliators 72 hours before services. Ex. skincare products that contain glycolic acid, Re-tin A, Renova, and alpha hydroxy acids. No face scrubs or chemical peels at least two weeks prior

  • **Avoid alcoholic beverages, ibuprofen/aspirin, and any medication or vitamins that may thin out your blood or work against the numbing process 24 hours prior to your appointment **

Are there any medical conditions that would interfere with consideration for microblading treatment?

Yes, the following would interfere with consideration for a microblading treatment:

  • Pregnancy (doctor’s statement required)

  •  Breastfeeding

  • Taking any medications (outside of vitamins, birth control, and/or allergy medication), including antibiotics. ( i.e. blood pressure medication)

  •  Keloids or keloid tendency

  •  Birthmarks, pimples, or moles in the service area

  •  Diabetic

  •  Serious diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, autoimmune disorders (doctor’s statement required)

  •  Circulatory disorders (doctor’s statement required)​

  •  Any bleeding disorders (doctor’s statement required)

  •  Blood thinning medication within two (2) months prior to service

  •  Currently on Accutane or other strong Retinoids (must wait until 6 months after treatment ends)

  •  If there are symptoms of skin disease, lesions, acne, or appearance of skin irritation in the service area

  •  Botox or Disport treatment (must wait 2 months)

  •  Existing semi-permanent makeup (SPMU) or permanent makeup

  •  Broken capillary or raised bumps in the service area

  •  Sunburns

** If before care instructions are not followed, client is still responsible for appointment fees even if Danielle Johnson has to cancel your appointment due to any of these reasons. **


You Should:

  • Blot the treated area with a tissue as needed for the first 24 hours to remove lymphatic fluid
  • Keep area dry for the first 24 hours
  • Gently wash the treated area by dabbing it with plain water on a cotton round Days 2-4
  • Apply a rice grain size of antibiotic ointment once a day ONLY if brows feel itchy
  • Please consult a healthcare practitioner at the first sign of infection or an allergic reaction. Report any diagnosed infection, allergic reaction, or adverse reaction resulting from the tattoo to the artist and the (your state) Department of State Health Services, at (your state’s health department #)

You Shouldn’t:

  • Get the brows wet. Avoid swimming, saunas, excessive sweating, showers, and direct steam and heat, such as blow drying
  • Use a washcloth on the treated area
  • Pick off or scratch the scabs
  • Be in direct sunlight for 14 days
  • Apply makeup on or around the treated area for 14 days
  • Perform strenuous exercise for 14 days
  • Tan or sunbathe until brows are healed (about 14 days)
  • Over-apply ointment. Only apply a small amount (as needed) to allow skin to “breathe”

The Healing Process:

Day 1
You may experience redness; depending on the pigment used you may also see an orange cast where the pigment is placed. This is due to oxidization and should disappear in a few hours. Day 2
The pigment in the brow area may appear visibly darker than the initial color on the first day. This is a result of the natural oxidation process that takes place in the skin once pigment has been implanted. The pigment is reacting slowly with oxygen in the air, turning it darker. Day 3
The skin in the brow area should form a crust-like appearance. You should continue to place a moderate amount of ointment on your brows. Avoid over-applying the healing ointment. Day 4-8
The skin in the brow area will continue to crust. During this time, you should experience shedding of the previously formed crust. Please do not pick at the scabbing skin, instead allow it to naturally shed.

IMPORTANT: If you peel the crust prematurely, you take the risk of losing the pigment behind it or minor scarring.Day 9
The crust should have completely shed and the pigment behind will look very faint. DO NOT PANIC!! The color will return gradually in the weeks to come. The average client will see a return by week two. However, the average healing time is four weeks. Day 30
Your brows should appear 30% lighter, and with a soft powdery finish. Please be advised that these are semi-permanent brows and will gradually fade. Your lifestyle and skin type determine the longevity of the brows. Avoid direct sun exposure, place sunscreen daily and enjoy your new brows!

Policy Information:

Refund Policy:

All sales are FINAL. There are no refunds for services rendered. Reasonable accommodations may be provided for customer satisfaction at the SPMU Artist, Danielle Johnson and Posh & Pretty Brows’ discretion.

To reserve an appointment a retainer fee is required. All retaining fees are non-refundable.

If the client cancels for any reason or if Danielle Johnson of Posh & Pretty Brows finds that a client’s medical condition would interfere with the performing of services, then the pre-scheduled appointment will automatically be canceled and there are no refunds.

Cancellation/ Late/No Call No Show/ Rescheduling Policies:

  • Cancellation Policy: Any appointments canceled in less than 48 hours will be charged a $40 cancellation fee
  • Late Policy: A $20 late fee will be applied to your service if you arrive 10 minutes late. The appointment will be canceled after 11 minutes.
  • No Call/ No Show: If client no call/ no shows, there will be a $40 cancellation fee and the payment of a new deposit charged to rebook
  • Rescheduling Policy: A $20 rescheduling fee will be applied to any appointments canceled in less than 48 hours. You will also only be allowed one (1) to reschedule. Thereafter, your option to schedule will be terminated.

Extra Guest Policy:

No Extra Guests Allowed

This includes children and adults. If you must bring a guest with you (i.e. they are your transportation), they must be 16 or older and MUST remain in the waiting room during the duration of your appointment. Absolutely NO ONE is allowed in the procedure room that is not the client being serviced

No Children Policy:

No Children Under 16 Allowed; No Exceptions

Children under 16 are not permitted in the salon. This is due to safety and insurance protocols. Children that are 16 and older MUST remain in the waiting room for the duration of the service appointment of the adult they accompanied.

Appointment/No Walk-In Policy:

By Appointment Only; No Walk-Ins Accepted

Our salon operates by appointment only. At this time, we do not offer walk-ins  as we do not have the staffing to support it. Please refrain from coming to the salon if you do not have an appointment scheduled. Appointments may be booked online.